



时间 演讲人 演讲题目
8:30-8:35 公卫中心领导 欢迎辞
8:35-8:55 袁正宏 New insights into hepatitis B virus pathogenesis- not a stealth virus but an active manipulator of host innate immune responses
8:55-9:15 董晨 T follicular helper and regulatory cells in immunity



王宾 Therapeutics vaccine against infectious diseases
9:35-9:55 祁海 Dynamic control of cellular interactions underlying humoral immunity in vivo
9:55-10:05 茶歇
10:05-10:25 刘万里 The initiation of humoral immune response illuminated by live cell and single molecule imaging techniques
10:25-10:45 徐建青 Strategy to raise immunity against HIV conserved epitopes
10:45-11:05 史宣玲 Comprehensive analysis of antibody responses against HIV and HCV in vivo
11:05-11:25 王宾 A novel mechanism of CD25- iTreg exerts its antigen specific suppression in vivo
11:25-12:10 讨论
12:10-12:30 照相留念


Copyright 2016 复旦大学生物医学研究院/上海市公共卫生临床中心免疫保护策略研究课题组

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技术支持 : 维程互联